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Sunday, August 8, 2010

Lazarus Come forth!!

There are times in your life
When you find yourself so bound to your situation
Bound to your past
Bound to your memories
Bound to your hurts
All is lost all is over you claim
You have lost your hope lost your dreams
Just then you hear a voice just like a man did 2000 years ago
"Lazarus come forth"
Just as you are, with all the strings ,with all the mess
I have bought a new world to your door
I want you to be ready to live again
I want you to be (quoting Mark Harris song)
Ready to live
Ready to breathe
Ready to take in everything
Ready to love
Ready to shine
Ready to live this life of yours
Ready to jump , ready to fly
For the second time

1 comment:

Melson said...

Hi Priy..... Over confidence in self and lack of discipline can most of the time keep you in a place of complete silence and Hopelessness. I am encountering it like a giant.. This blog of yours almost brought tears down .......It was almost like telling me "MELSON COME FORTH"..
Thanks for sharing this blog

love You Sis.