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Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Arise and Shine Your time has come

After years of frustration
Nathan packed up his wares
Packed his bags and went on a long trip.
"I can’t sit around waiting for things to happen I am moving on". he exclaimed to no one in particular and left.
It was days since his parents heard anything about him.
The old couple waited, prayed and pleaded with God for their son's safety.
"You know, Alana Baker told her husband one morning,
"I feel such calmness I feel it’s time now for Nathan's break through to finally happen."
Isaiah 60 Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)
60 “Arise, shine [Yerushalayim],
for your light has come,
the glory of Adonai
has risen over you.For although darkness covers the earth
and thick darkness the peoples;
on you Adonai will rise;
over you will be seen his glory.Nations will go toward your light
and kings toward your shining splendor.Raise your eyes and look around:
“Only time will tell, dear", her husband , replied and moved on with his work.
“There’s only one way to find out is by putting the word to test.
I am going to start with re-opening Nathan’s shop.” Alana said
“It’s been three years since it’s’s going to take you more than a month to take the dust out." Marc  called out.
“Any way it will keep me from worrying about him...and I can use a  bit of my creativity as well". Alana replied with a huge grin.
Even her husband the old critic could not help marvelling the exquisite work of his wife to turn a dusty old shack of a shop to a master piece in creativity and style.
The next morning was no different than any other only a lot of travellers were
Seen panting up the little hillock towards their store.
"What the hell!...Marc exclaimed excitedly "Mamma the brightly lit candles you put up have attracted tourists from miles around!!
They poured into their newly done up store and  pointed out to all the beautiful curios their son had made and in one sale almost everything got sold out
Alana started praising God in joy...while
Marc Baker went looking for old labourers who had worked with their son and after a bit of struggle located  them and soon a flourishing business was going on
Marc was also  informed by the authorities that in the recent earthquakes that hit the northern country his son was found among the injured and they were bringing him back home
Marc and Alana  hugged their injured son who was in bandages from head to toe
"I’m so sorry I should have listened now I’m much worse off than before"! he cried brokenly to his parents.
"Not to worry are far blessed than you know." Marc replied.
"Where are all these people going they seem to be coming our pathway? son exclaimed in surprise.
"Watch and you will know, Pa replied with a twinkle in his eye and a smile on his lip.
Nathan watched in amazement as his eyes fell on the packed store
"Those are my boys, he exclaimed , dad where did you find them?"
He broke down and cried hugging his parents..
"It is His timing son,,,father whispered cradling his son in his arms..
"Your fortune is where your heart is , this was your dream son to showcase your country's culture to the world and God just made it happen.

Numbers 23:19Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)

19 “God is not a human who lies
or a mortal who changes his mind.
When he says something, he will do it;
when he makes a promise, he will fulfill it. 

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