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Monday, September 30, 2024

All things work together for good

In stillness stood young Alona, clasped a parcel tight, A ghost from distant shadows, in morning’s tender light.

“It’s back!” she gasped, disbelief coursed through her veins,

The promise of a publisher turned bitter with disdain.

Months of toil, sleepless nights, her dreams now cast aside,
A manuscript of passion, now swallowed by the tide.
Back to her shelves she turned, to dust and deep regret,
Another tale of failure, another loss to fret.

“Disappointments, they are countless,” she murmured, heart in pain,
“But why, oh why, does hurt return like whispers in the rain?”
“Am I to be a writer?” echoed in her mind,
Each setback felt like shackles, each doubt a tethered bind.

“Come with me to the village,” her father gently said,
“To breathe beyond the pages, let the weight of worry shed.”
And so they left at dawn’s first light, through fields so rich and green,
But fate, it wove a twisted thread; they knew not what it meant.

A message swift as arrows, their home now cloaked in flame,
Neighbors gathered, valiant hearts, yet much was lost to shame.
Panic seized their weary souls as flames danced wild and high,
But among the ruins, a hidden chance lay low.

For in the chaos, manuscripts, once deemed as dreams denied,
Caught the eye of fortune’s friend, a publisher’s swift stride.
“Gems!” he cried, “these stories, why were they not seen before?
So much potential waits within, a treasure to explore.”

“What kept her from her fortune?” the neighbor then explained,
“Each time she sought a pathway, another heartache claimed.”
“Perhaps divine design,” he said with hopeful gleam,
“Is why the world awaits her words, to weave a brighter dream.”

And as they reached their scorched abode, with worry turned to cheer,
The agent placed in Alona’s hands a future bright and clear.
Tears streamed down her radiant face, her heart began to sing,
“All things work together for good—this joy that faith can bring.”

In loss, she found her purpose, in ashes, rise anew,
For every page unwritten, there lies a story true.
Alona’s heart, once heavy, now danced in sweet delight,
A tale of hope and beauty, emerging from the night.

Romans 8:28 CJB

28 Furthermore, we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called in accordance with his purpose;

Ecclesiastes 3:11 CJB

11 He has made everything suited to its time; also, he has given human beings an awareness of eternity; but in such a way that they can’t fully comprehend, from beginning to end, the things God does.

Psalms 27:13-14 CJB

13 If I hadn’t believed that I would see
Adonai’s goodness in the land of the living, . . .
14 Put your hope in Adonai, be strong,
and let your heart take courage!
Yes, put your hope in Adonai!