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Friday, May 31, 2024

The Sinner and the Saint

Dear Lord, the pompous man shouted at the altar of an old church.

“I have done it all Lord,

I have completed all that you wanted me to do.

I have written so many books based on your word

I have sung so many hymns at every occasion

I have been directly or indirectly involved in a whole lot of mission work

I have done it all Lord. I am ready to go home.

The elderly priest sitting at the back of the church heard this man's prayer 

And gave a small chuckle.

The man had just left and an unkempt man barely able to walk steadily

Fell at the altar

“Lord you have to help me.

Sarah won’t let me in, she had warned me if I drink again she will surely leave me.

Father you know she's all I got and I don’t want her to go.

Father please help me overcome this weakness.

The rate at which I am going I don’t know when my boss will relieve me of my job.

Father please help me.

The elderly priest looked at his assistant and nodded his head to him

And together they both made the way to the front to where the broken man lay at the altar.

“Son, the priest said as he bent down and touched the man by his shoulder.

The man in his disoriented state looked up in confusion.

Slowly he was able to recognize the priest and stood up unsteadily.

“Father”, the man said. “Don’t worry” the priest interrupted him 

God is close to the broken hearted.

How many children do you have?”

He hung his head in silence

“Oh I see! Would you like to help out at the orphanage when you are free?

The children will be truly blessed to have young adults like you to serve them.

The man nodded.

And true to his word he was there at the orphanage every weekend spending time with the children.

In time, he no longer drank and he looked so happy.

One day, he came to meet the priest smiling ear to ear.

What is it Peter? The priest asked

“I am going to be a father.”

“Oh I am so happy for you”, the priest answered warmly.

“When you put your own pain past you and decided to help the helpless.

God has given you your heart's desires and answered your prayers.

God bless you, my son.

Walk in his ways and watch him bless you in ways you can never imagine.


Luke 18:10-14 CJB

10 "Two men went up to the Temple to pray, one a Parush and the other a tax-collector.

11 The Parush stood and prayed to himself, `O God! I thank you that I am not like the rest of humanity -- greedy, dishonest, immoral, or like this tax-collector!

12 I fast twice a week, I pay tithes on my entire income, . . . '

13 But the tax-collector, standing far off, would not even raise his eyes toward heaven, but beat his breast and said, `God! Have mercy on me, sinner that I am!'

14 I tell you, this man went down to his home right with God rather than the other. For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but everyone who humbles himself will be exalted."