Anna is a middle aged woman I know very well.
Who was so happy and content
With the little world
she had created for herself.
Professionally and personally her life's goals were met.
She was waiting on God for what she had to do next.
Out of the blue she got struck
With a disease so horrible it was in its terminal stage.
So the doctors' said her days were numbered and what was left
of her life was very very few.
This left her and her family numb with shock.
With grief and unbelief they cried and prayed for her nonstop.
Watching her life take a turn for the worse,
Which was ebbing and flowing like a little boat
An anthem rose for her across
the nations
By Members from different churches, close friends and family.
Seeking the face of God and crying out for His mercy.
They raised an alleluia
and they
decreed and declared the word of God over her life.
made Anna repeat the below verse over and over again everyday.
I shall not die, but live,
and declare the works of the Lord. Psalm 118:17 KJV 17
Anna, in the meantime is holding on to dear life.
Knowing God is always on time and never, never late.
Passing through each day with a positive attitude,
Believing what she is going through is just a bad phase.
Six months have gone by she is still here on planet earth.
Beating the timeline for her survival the doctors had declared in her death note.
She is anxiously waiting upon God for a
Please pray that she will be healed and delivered and declared cancer free by her doctors very soon.