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Sunday, October 14, 2018

Its A Beautiful World

When God decided to create the world
It was nothing but a mass of pitch darkness.
He thought to himself, “enough of this vast ocean of blackness before me,
I want to create a beautiful world full of beauty,”
“I want to hear the sound of laughter and lives filled with joy unspeakable,”
“I want to speak life where there is no life,”
“Command light where there only darkness,”
“Create a beautiful world with the stroke of my imagination”
After 7 days he looked and smiled pleased at what he had created and he rested.
Genesis 1: 31 CJB
31 God saw everything that he had made, and indeed it was very good. So there was evening, and there was morning, a sixth day.
Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, along with everything in them. On the seventh day God was finished with his work which he had made, so he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made
“Lord, John, the struggling young man said “since I am made in your image.”
“I take the stroke of my pen,
Where I see a picture of gloom in front of me I replace it with picture of happiness,”
“Where I see lack, I replace it with abundance,”
“When I feel pain, I replace it with joy,”
“When I fear the worst, I replace it with trust,”
“No matter what Lord,
You are the master of my boat,
The anchor of my soul,”
“Through the storm through the rain
I will hold on,” 
“Since I am created in your image,
I will use the creative powers bestowed upon me by the creator of the universe,"
“I will command light into my world,
With the power of my imagination
I will fill it with beauty, abundance, and joy.
And one day I will sit with my admirers,
And marvel at what I created,
And nod in agreement with them,
Yes it’s indeed a beautiful world.”

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