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Saturday, December 31, 2016

The Time Has Come

Rabbi came by panting his way up the mountainous regions
And found the once mighty warriors asleep in their caves
“You mighty warriors 
What are you doing lying in the caves like lame men?
Come out of the caves!
The time has come for you to resume your journey again.
When God told you to tarry
Habakkuk 2:3 Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)
3 For the vision is meant for its appointed time;
It speaks of the end, and it does not lie.
It may take a while, but wait for it;
It will surely come, it will not delay.
Was it for you‘ll to change your identity from being warriors to farmers!
The vision you felt was sometime in the distant future
So you let yourselves become fat and bloated
Lazy bags of bones!
You forgot your God given assignment and purpose.
When God gave you a period of rest,
You forgot it was just a bend on the road.
Now I’m telling to get out of your caves and complacent ways.
Put on the dress code of a warrior and start behaving like one again,
There are no further delays the journey begins again."
Ezekiel 12:24 CJB
The word of Adonai came to me: 22 “Human being, don’t you have this proverb in the land of Isra’el, ‘Time keeps passing, and none of the visions are fulfilled’? 23 Therefore tell them that Adonai Elohim says, ‘I will put an end to that proverb; never again will they use it as a proverb in Isra’el.’ Tell them, ‘The time has come for the fulfilment of every vision. 24 There will no longer be empty visions or falsely optimistic divinations in the house of Isra’el, 25 because I am Adonai. I will speak; and whatever statement I make, it will be accomplished. It will no longer be delayed; for in your days, you rebellious house, I will speak the word and accomplish it,’ says Adonai Elohim.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

I'll Be There For You

Through the years when you lose your words
When what you say no one hears.
When your mind can’t get a thought across
When the hands which you move so much to articulate refuse to move
Remember I’ll Be There.
When you feel abandoned 
And no one familiar to you is anywhere around
Always know and always remember
 I'll Be There for You.
When your feet wobble and you can’t take a step ahead
When you are afraid what tomorrow holds 
Just remember I’ll Be There.
When the hands you thought would be holding yours till the end 
Is not even remotely close remember I'll be there 
When your eyes refuse to see and recognize people around you 
Remember I'll be there 
When your world gets enveloped in darkness and your terrified inside
Remember I’ll be there.
Even if my body gets tired and my spirit pushed beyond its limits
Always remember I am part of your journey I’ll be there 
Isaiah 43 Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)
43 But now this is what Adonai says,
He who created you, Ya‘akov,
He who formed you, Isra’el:
“Don’t be afraid, for I have redeemed you;
I am calling you by your name; you are mine.
2 When you pass through water, I will be with you;
When you pass through rivers, they will not overwhelm you;
When you walk through fire, you will not be scorched —
The flame will not burn you.
3 For I am Adonai, your God, 

Monday, October 31, 2016

Iron Sharpeth Iron

The illiterate 17 year old brick layer was excited
The famous preacher was coming to town
He listened to him say he was made in the image and likeness of god
Gen 1:26-28 CJB
26 Then God said, “Let us make humankind in our image, in the likeness of ourselves; and let them rule over the fish in the sea, the birds in the air, the animals, and over all the earth, and over every crawling creature that crawls on the earth.”
27 So God created humankind in his own image;
In the image of God he created him:
Male and female he created them.
28 God blessed them: God said to them, “Be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea, the birds in the air and every living creature that crawls on the earth.”
Strange he thought, he was always told
He was mentally deficient
And coming from a broken home didn't help much
He was out of school at the age of ten
Laying bricks for a living
When he looked around at other kids
It was always with awe they were the heavenly beings
He was this low inferior mortal
That day something in him changed when he came to know he was created in the image of God almighty 
He had the wisdom of god, the creativity of god
And the character of God and God wanted man to be fruitful.
 Fruitful he will be he decided. He pulled out an old dictionary he had bought and slowly tried to learn word to word
He used to see a young girl from Pastor John’s family watering the plants every evening
He felt she looked kind enough to teach him to read
She agreed and everyday he used to go to her to learn
She laughed when he told her his dream to become a millionaire in ten years
"How will you do that you barely know how to read”, she laughed and said
"I am going to study the lives of great men who lived
I am sure many of them came from broken and poor homes like me",
"Good luck to you, please do visit me when you do”, she said laughing out loud.
The Johns moved out of the neighborhood,
Poverty had struck them  ever since the Pastor died.
Elizabeth the young girl had grown up to be a beautiful young woman
She was taking care of her sick mother with her small salary.
One day a rich young man came to see them.
He went straight to her mother said
"Would you be interested to give your daughter to this humble brick layer?
"Daniel!, Elizabeth screeched you made it to a millionaire  …I see,"
"Thanks to you, I leant not only to read but to establish a worldwide business as well I have come to ask you to marry me!!!!
Proverbs 27:17 CJB
Just as Iron sharpens Iron
A person sharpens the character of his friend.

Friday, September 30, 2016

The Promised Land

The three slaves stood in a line trembling with fear
Their master had called for them
And they were wondering what they had done wrong now.
“I am giving you an opportunity of a lifetime
Return to me at this same time next year
Multiplying the gold I will give you.
Remember if you return with gold less than what I give
You will have to answer for the loss with your very lives”, he said.
To one he gave ten, the other five and the last of the three just one.
The minute he turned his back
The slaves discussed between themselves
Two of them agreed to start off on a journey immediately
While the third one decided to stay home
He kept the gold coin safe by digging into the ground.
Meanwhile the other two got into a deep discussion with the men at the
“The fastest way to double your money is go to where the pygmies are
The land is rich with untapped natural resources and opportunities
If you can overcome the pygmies you can become the king of that land “ they said
One of the slaves decided it was beyond him to go there so he decide to buy things at the port and sell it at the close by villages
The two slaves decided to meet at the same time next fall at their master's house.
The brave slave got off at the port closest to the forest where the pygmies lived.
As he kept walking he kept praying quoting the scriptures from
Deuteronomy 1:21-23 King James Version (KJV)
21 Behold, the Lord thy God hath set the land before thee: go up and possess it, as the Lord God of thy fathers hath said unto thee; fear not, neither be discouraged.
Numbers 13:30 King James Version (KJV)
30 And Caleb stilled the people before Moses, and said, Let us go up at once, and possess it; for we are well able to overcome it.
“Here I m Lord completely at your mercy, show me your favour by giving this land to me “ he prayed.
As he penetrated into the deep jungle and as he expected 
He felt spears shooting all around him and he was blindfolded and brought before the chief of the pygmies.
When they removed the blindfold he could see half naked men with long hair, carrying spears.
His heart fainted within him “Unto your hands Oh Lord I submit my spirit.” he closed his eyes and mumbled under his breath expecting to die any minute.
But he was surprised to hear excited voices and felt the pygmies examining his clothes.
A thought suddenly struck him and he pulled out the ten gold coins from his pocket 
The chief eyes gleamed while felt the coins caressing them gently in his palms...and using his hands, the slave communicated to them there was more of this sun where he came from
They kept him tied up in a corner all through the night he could hear excitement and loud voices
When he woke up in the morning it was only to the sound of birds and the rustling of leaves
They all had left, tribes of pygmies had gone chasing after pieces of sun!!
He managed to free himself and he then knelt down and worshipped Adonai, thanks for hearing this poor slave’s prayer”. He wept.
He went on single handedly working on the island making it an enterprising nation with the support of the people he brought in from far away villages.
A year later at the beginning of autumn they was a warm welcome to the slaves 
One had become a king of a whole island and the other a successful businessmen.
The master was thrilled he called the third slave who had refused to take risks and sat in his comfort zone. satisfied with the little he had got.
“Give your gold to him who is now a king and go and work for him. Learn how he used his god given wisdom to multiply so splendidly the little wealth I had given him.
King James Bible Mathew 13:12
for whosoever hath, to him shall be given, and he shall have more abundance: but whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken away even that he hath.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

The Laws of God

Looking across the room
Andrew watched his two year old son clinging to his new “daddy”,
His wife looked radiant like she had just won a trophy.
He walked out of the courtroom broken and shattered.
In just over a minute his entire universe had come crashing down.
Rivers of pain poured swiftly across his chest
The thumping in his heart was getting louder by the minute
He clutched his heart wondering whether he was experiencing a heart attack
“How can I continue to be a preacher when my own life is in shreds Lord, I just lost my family”, he cried.
At that moment he felt the Holy Spirit say “My love is 
Enough to sustain you, 
To fill you,
To keep you going on the purpose God has set for you.” 
“What will I speak on lord?
I am just a homeless preacher with no money.”
“You will speak out the words I put you in your mouth.
 Then the Lord put forth his hand, and touched my mouth. And the Lord said unto me, Behold, I have put my words in thy mouth. Jeremiah 1:9 KJV
 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: Hosea 4:6 (KJV)
Teach them my laws”.
Psalm 78:1 KJV “Give ear, O my people, to my law: incline your ears to the words of my mouth”
He started exhorting the people with fresh conviction and anointing
“Follow His laws so it will be well with you, your family and your home” he spoke out in vigour
Deuteronomy (KJV) 28 and all these blessings shall come on thee, and overtake thee, if thou shalt hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy God.”
"Mr. Andrew, the reporter asked, what is the secret behind from being a homeless, penniless, divorced, preacher a couple of years ago to a billionaire businessman, teacher and mentor with a beautiful family in such a short span of time.?"
Mr. Andrew nodded removing the strand of hair from his young daughter’s face.
“The laws of God are different from the love of God. Follow his laws, prosperity starts following you ", he replied with a twinkle in his eyes

Sunday, July 31, 2016

The Decision

Ebenezer wandered around aimlessly
Replaying the nagging words of his wife in his mind
“Why can’t I break free from all the debts which our trailing me.”
He kept telling himself over and over again.
Pushing his huge frame forward
His eyes fell upon the vast ground inside an old dilapidated church.
Then he looked at the young men whiling away their time uselessly in front of it.
“I pity those losers one day they will land up like me
 Stupid and  broke.” He thought.
As he kept walking he read a huge signboard 
The words "Your decisions decide your  wealth"- Dr Mike Murdoch struck him right in the eyes.
“Really, if that’s what it takes to make a change I want to see these vagabonds not turn up like me “,he said.
He walked in met Father Peter who was surprised to see the old recluse
He was even more surprised when he spoke of his idea to keep the youth out of the streets.
He agreed to his plans'
The next day his wife found him dressed before dawn a spring in his step
His sold the few earthly treasures he had and he went to the ground next day.
He started early morning and started clearing out the debris in the woods.
Days went by the aimless youth gathered around the wall and watched 
Ebenezer on his knees creating a ground complete with tracks, football and basketball fields.
Excitement buzzed in the entire village
The old and the young came forward with the little bit they had to make the sports centre a centre of excellence.
Then the learned and wealthy proposed to start academics training to   teach the young people life skills and knowledge to live successful lives.
By the year end the University named after Ebenezer was birthed.
They elected the loser old Ebenezer as its chairman.
Yes a  decision by him to create a better world for the generation after him gave him wealth , status and power as it is written in Proverbs 13:22 CJB A good man leaveth an inheritance to his children’s children:

Thursday, June 30, 2016

The Latter Rain

The fifty year old refugee
Made his way in the rain.
The puddles in the road filled his shoes with water
It was months since he had been searching for a job in a strange land
So far away from home.
Nothing could stop him to return home not even the rain
He kept praying 
“Let this be rains  of the latter rains, father,
Let this be rains of abundance cancelling the curse of poverty in my life,
Let my journey in this land bear fruit o lord God Almighty,
Remove  every reproach from my life.
Help me master”. He prayed...
The incessant rain forced him to take shelter at an elder couple's home
They welcomed the wet stranger into their humble home with a cup of tea
Upon hearing his heart breaking story. The old lady shared the word from Joel 2:23-26
King James Version (KJV)
23 Be glad then, ye children of Zion, and rejoice in the Lord your God: for he  hath given you the former rain moderately, and he will cause to come down for you the rain, the former rain, and the latter rain in the first month.24 And the floors shall be full of wheat, and the vats shall overflow with wine and oil.25 And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpillar, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you.26 And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the Lord your God that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed.
The old man wrote a letter handed it to the poor stranger.
Meet him the man whose name is in the envelope 
He will be able to help you. 
The man went the next day hoping his days of poverty are over forever.
The man whose name was written on the envelope turned out to be a rich powerful man in the city with many business establishments
Upon reading the letter “I have been looking for an able manager for a long time Mr. Amos my business mentor seems to think you are the right person, I will honour him by going with his suggestion.
”“Welcome sir let me show you to your new office”!
The man turned and looked heavenward and whispered “thank you father for the breakthrough,
The latter rain has surely fallen in my life.”

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

The Desert Man

Yusuf had only one aim 
A burning desire
To give his people a better life in the blazing desert
One day when he went looking for pearls in the deep sea 
He met the white man who had arrived in the big boat.
The man parted goodbye by giving him the book of life
Yusuf spent days studying it in his tent
He came across this verse
I will open up rivers on the barren hills and wells down in the broad valleys. I will turn the desert into a lake and dry ground into springs.
He meditated upon those words day and night
“Lord if what you say is true show me how to turn this desert into springs of water”.he prayed day and night.
He kept having dreams to dig deep into the scotching sand
Bearing the ridicule of the community he kept digging
His hard work found bitumen rocks lacing the entire region beneath the sand
Something told him to keep digging way below the rocks 
After a month of digging his hands struck fresh flowing water beneath the rocks 
The joy of the community knew no bounds as they reached out to help him draw the water out
In the midst of the celebration he had a visitor 
It was none other than his friend from the boat
Who spoke to him in great excitement.
They had discovered oil in the depths of the ocean
His gleaming eyes looked searchingly till it rested on the book.Since then he never stopped reading, believing, building....the city rocks on...
In all splendour and glitter all because one man believed there is power in the book of life.

Saturday, April 30, 2016

The Twisted Path

The path looked anything but straight
The journey was rocked with delays problems and tons of trouble.  
Darkness had enveloped the path
Every day Rosalind had to ask herself the same question
Should I go straight left or right?
Doubts followed her like a shadow
Negatives Voices filled her ears
“You are following a wasted path
A journey which leads nowhere” 
She would retort to the voices
Isaiah 42:16 CJB And I will bring the blind by a way that they knew not; I will lead them in paths that they have not known: I will make darkness light before them, and crooked things straight. These things will I do unto them, and not forsake them.
On and on she went confused lost and worn
“Aren’t you tired you have been in this wilderness for so long?”
Isaiah 40:31 CJB
But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
“Why do you do this aren’t you safe comfortable at home ?” many would ask her.
"To reach my destiny is to fulfil my purpose
To fulfil my purpose is to live a fulfilled life 
To live a fulfilled life is to have no regrets
To have no regrets is to follow your heart
To follow your heart is to follow the twisted path
To follow the twisted path is to follow God
To follow God is to follow his word 
Psalm 119:105 CJB
 Your word is a lamp for my foot and light on my path.
So hence the twisted path".

Thursday, March 31, 2016

I Stand on Your Word

Standing on your word is the only thing I can do 
The old lady with Alzheimer’s cried to her God that night.
“As each day drifts into the next, 
I am losing my grip on me.
When I speak the words fail me
When I stand, my legs wobble beneath me, 
 I struggle to read my bible each day
 I cannot remember the name of each day the year or the month
The names of my loved ones I can never recollect in time.
As each days approaches the future looms dark before me 
I’m afraid what will become of me as I drift into a world of nothingness.
I can only stand on your word 
 I know you will never leave me or forsake me
Isaiah 46 Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)
Till your old age I will be the same —
I will carry you until your hair is white.
I have made you, and I will bear you;
yes, I will carry and save you.
Your word is the anchor of my soul
My pillar of hope, the staff I will hold on
As darkness enfolds I know you will still be holding me
Taking me home, home to eternity."

Monday, February 29, 2016

The Wait

“Twenty one year’s Dad!
You have been working on a vision which is just not going to happen
Did you get it it’s not going to happen
Stop tiring yourself out OK just let it go.”
Old Abby looked up from his work hurt in his eyes and retorted back to this son
“It’s my master who tells me what I should do and not you.
When it’s time for me to rest He will tell me.”
That night they heard a sound which jerked them out of their beds
“Why! looks like the entire village is making their way up into our house”
Exclaimed the son to the alerted household
Old Abby rushed to the door, a fresh vigour in his step
His eyes alive with excitement
“Move! He shouted to his family
Get them all down into the basement.”
They led the people who were climbing up the mountain into the basement
All eyes opened in amazement as the old man led them to a secret tunnel
Stacked with millions of war weapons against the wall
The tunnel led to a huge room which was equipped for war had everything possible that refugees may need.
It looked like old Abby knew a day will come when the entire village would come to him for protection
The men grabbed the weapons and went to save their land leaving the women and children huddled inside.
Old Abby’ son came to his father...”dad I m sorry .I didn't believe.”
“It’s ok son...that was the vision...When almighty God tells you or show you a vision you just do as He leads without questioning him even if it takes twenty one years! 

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Life is Beautiful

Aaron had to leave for his workplace right after the wedding
Anna was soon to join him in a month by when her papers would get ready.
The moment he saw her again he was stunned ,
His warm and beautiful wife was cold like gravestone.
'I need to go back,' she blurted out, 'I cannot live with you ,
I am in love with another man and this marriage has to end '.
She turned around and went away just the way she came,
Without once turning back to see what happened to him.
With his head reeling with shock, he entered his dark house and crouched down on the floor
Days passed by, he neither eat or drank or responded to anybody.
'Even god cannot change my situation', he thought
So he considered ending the exploding pain in his heart with death.
Suddenly the room lit up with dazzling brightness.
The son of man stood before him placing his hand gently upon his head
Great peace and unspeakable love poured into his soul
His broken heart became whole once again.
In a flash it was all gone the room became dark again
Still in a daze he went to sleep and woke up feeling peaceful.
With a spring in his steps and joy in his heart
He went back to work and met his friends.
They knew instantly he was a changed man.
Looking at them he smiled and answered their unasked question
Life is beautiful with all its mess
If Jesus Christ is your best friend.