When my heart is beating fast,
And anxiety is flooding my soul,
When worry is clouding my thoughts,
The Holy Spirit whispers “All is Well”.
Like raindrops to the parched ground,
So is your word O God,
Releasing us instantly from all our fears.
Filling us with the assurance ,
That you O God are there in our situation.
The walls around my mind
Which failed to see,
All that you promised is
For me,
I cried and yelled and shouted out aloud,
Till I could no longer take
The hopeless situation I found myself in.
It took a man of God
To show me Your word,
That my God will grant me all that I requested,
He is in control and He knows what's good for me,
So what am I shouting about?
He knows all about me.
My worries and problems are
No longer mine alone.
He quietly reminds me,
He is still on the throne.
Come what may He is there,
So all I can say
Is All is well!!