Thrilled I was almost reaching the shores of victory.
Just then a huge mountain appeared from nowhere and stood right in front of me.
I tried from every angle to push it away,
But nothing could budge its presence it seemed bent to stay.
I reached the point where all hope was gone
This far for nothing, my heart seem to say.
I seethed in anger, no way I am giving up
No devil no you just cannot defeat me!
I sought the Lord with all my heart,
Knowing He is my only answer for a way out.
He made me use his weapon the sword the word of god
He brought me to the verse in Isaiah 45:2 NIV
And made me repeat it to the mountain before me,
It read “I will go before you
And will level the mountains[a];
I will break down gates of bronze
And cut through bars of iron.
I will give you hidden treasures,
riches stored in secret places,
so that you may know that I am the LORD”
Before my very eyes the mountains melted and shredded to the ground.
And My God showed me once again He is the true living miracle working GOD.
Good one. 4 marks
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His Faithfulness reaches to the sky. Amen.Sharad
Dear Pri.,
I read from word to word and found myself between the lines. I can imagine the fight within , the cry deep inside and the challenge outside , people around just waiting for our fall and defeat, i can imagine the struggle from every angle to attack ,despise and leave us broken and wounded.
The very weapon God has given for us to fight our enemies is " The Sword of the Spirit" , and the very best that i can remember, is repeating the Words of Hope again and again.
You have amazingly portrayed the picture of a warrior fighting giants , a Spiritual leader triumphing evil ,an ordinary moving mountain, an exhausted sailor desperate to reach shore, and an angry champion refusing the defeat. a prophet shouting and a mighty GOD walking wit His Child on the mountain.
Great Gallery at one shot
Great combination of People
Great inspiration to look at it..
I am blessed to find the wealth of encouragement from this Blog " Cutting Through those Bars of Iron"
God blessing always following you
Melson Alexander
Lucky for us...we serve a GOD that will never fail us no matter what
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